ibaPDA Software Version 7 now available!

Monday, May 20, 2019

What’s new in ibaPDA Software V7?

Text signals

- Converstion of technostrings to text signals
- Text splitter module used to split text into different signals

New dat-file format

- Better compression
- Higher module and signal numbers
- Supported file size up to 64GB
- Password protection

Siemens CP1626

- PCI Express version of the Siemens CP1616 board with important changes and limitations


- ibaQDR now supports multiple product files.
- New measuring location type available 

IEC 61850 server

- ibaPDA is now able to act as an IEC 61850 server

Apache Kafka cluster timebased datastore 

- ibaPDA can write timebased signal data directly to an Apache Kafka cluster.

DTBox Request interface

- New interface added


- New Auto Adapting Module 


- You can now create a Data Store, or “Asset”
- Virtual diagnostics for the MindSphere Store

MQTT Interface 

- Interface used to subscribe to data from an MQTT broker. 

New watch window

- ibaPDA client window to show current value of signals, both numeric and text

Support for ibaHD in QPanel

- View objects within QPanel have been updated to support live data coming from the ibaHD server.

For further information about the version and how to upgrade please contact us at support@begner.com


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